Latest news

Dean our labradoodle mascot is enjoying a paddle in the river to celebrate the publication of the Vision for regeneration of the Dean Valley. The first step towards an application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund is the production of an Expression of Interest, and ours has been produced by Rob Robinson of Rob Robinson Heritage Consulting. Every Expression of Interest must include a description of the project, in no more than 800 words, and here is ours: click here to view our published version. Keep your fingers crossed there will be a positive response for a major grant application...
Uncleared leaves in the Dean Valley on its public walkway are causing slippery and unsafe conditions to pedestrians. One walker spoke of recommending that it was not safe for his daughter to use the path. With cold weather on the way and the possibility of the wet leaves becoming frozen this weekend the pathway could become treacherous. So please be careful.
Water of Leith Trust have an update of the Dean landslip. Legal proceedings are currently paused until November for discussions.
Ash dieback, a fungus which affects ash trees, is beginning to weaken and kill trees in the Dean village and Dean valley. It is caused by a fungus, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus also known as Chalara ,which blocks the water transport systems in trees causing leaf loss, lesions in the wood and on the bark and ultimately the dieback of the crown of the tree. This disease, first described in Poland in 1992, was first identified in Britain in 2012 in nursery stock and then in the wider environment in 2013 although it could possibly have been around in the country much...
