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Water of Leith is overcome with the three cornered leek (Allium triquetrum) a kind of wild garlic. In the last five years it has come to dominate the riverbanks in April and May. Though pretty it is highly invasive and very difficult to eradicate. It was brought over to the UK from the Mediterranean, and it is an offence under Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act in England and Wales to plant or otherwise cause to grow this species in the wild. It is not clear what the rules are in Scotland. It can be used for cooking...
The footbridge in the Dean Village at Damside and Hawthornbank Lane, within Edinburgh’s World Heritage site, has been closed for Health and Safety reasons. You can see from the picture that the steps are badly eroded. A survey which was carried out by our surveyor in 2018 has said that the metal structure appears to be sound (see second feasibility study, section 4.45) . It is worrying and clear that CEC have not been investing in general ongoing maintenance of the bridge and its walkway, thus allowing it to get into such poor condition. Many people taking their daily Covid-19...
Hygieia the Greek goddess for health who stands inside St Bernard’s Well is watching over us all in the Dean Valley. It seems appropriate that in these troubled times she is our guardian for keeping well and healthy over the next few months. Whilst sitting at home please read our Vision for the regeneration of the landscape and structures and email us with your comments through the website.
Last summer, in a very quiet moment, new Dean Village resident Claire spotted and filmed an otter family frolicking in the Water of Leith. Having lived in Edinburgh all her life she has recently come into town and downsized into a redevelopment which marries the old and the new. She enjoys looking out on the habitat evolving seasonally, every couple of weeks, as nature changes. And is enchanted by the uplifting yet vibrant and tranquil environment so close to the centre of the City. People, she says, are always coming and going along the City’s green corridor, with elderly walkers...
