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An enormous crane lifted up Anthony Gormley’s statue from the Water of Leith, Stockbridge at lunchtime today. Thomas Anderson the Senior Art Handling Technician at the National Galleries Scotland told me that it had been necessary to clean out the base of the statue. Though this had been last done four years ago it was hoped however that todays operation would last for a much longer period. The irony of this project is that money can be found to do regular maintenance to a statue in the river whilst very urgent tree pruning and removal is needed on the CEC...
After a number of years and long discussions between the CEC legal department and the Dean Gardens insurance company the railings have been restored along the Water of Leith walkway in the middle of the Dean Valley. Damage was caused by an elm tree falling across the river from the Dean gardens and the tree stump is still visible on the opposite bank next to the water edge.
Following reports of anti-social behaviour and graffiti under the Dean Bridge this summer after Covid restrictions were lifted, the CEC have been reluctant to remove the graffiti from the bridge uprights next to the Water of Leith walkway in the Dean village; the reason being that the words are not rude enough. The fabric of our World Heritage Site is at risk and such lack of care is shameful. Please write to Councillors to pressure the Council Officers to tidy up this area and phone 101 to report any suspicious or rowdy misconduct in order keep the Dean Bridge and...
Work has now started for the fourth time to stabilise the bank above the Dean Village which has blocked the walkway to the Galleries along the riverbank. Time will tell whether this will be successful since the third attempt failed the day after completion.
