Get answers to any of your questions about the Dean Valley Regeneration Project. If you don't see an answer to your question, just get in touch.
I like the current wild look of the valley and would prefer its character is kept, so why remove any of the existing trees and planting?
The valley is a very important ‘designed landscape’, the origins of which focussed on key elements in the landscape. Overgrowth over time and self-seeded plant and tree growth has significantly limited and blocked the significant views, and together with uncontrolled growth of ivy is threatening the stability of these and the river embankment. There are also certain tree species that are prone to disease, Dutch Elm disease and Ash Dieback, so replanting needs to be sustainable for future generations
Wont any changes impact on the plant, bird and wildlife in the Valley?
We commissioned a Biodiversity Scoping Study which identifies current wildlife and ways in which the current biodiversity can be retained and actually improved. A copy is accessible in the Documents page of this website.
If the Valley landscape is improved wont it attract more people? Parts of the area near Stockbridge are already very crowded particularly at weekends.
Much of the City of Edinburgh Council owned land in the valley is inaccessible to the public. The project would aim to make this significant area accessible, and extend the visitor ‘footprint’ increasing the area that local people and visitors actually use. As well as significantly increasing the amenity in the local area it could reduce pressure from tourists in the City Centre, increase levels of exercise and cycling, and deliver real economic benefits to local businesses. A significant opportunity is also to encourage more visitor traffic to the Gallery of Modern Art steps.